Speaker(s) |
Title |
18.02.25 |
No Colloquium |
25.02.25 |
Sarah Brocard, Université de Neuchâtel |
The evolutionary origins of event cognition in hominids |
Mélissa Berthet, Universität Zürich |
11.03.25 |
Kita Sotaro, University of Warwick |
Four psychological foundations of human language |
18.03.25 |
NEURO-Connect seminars: Gabriella Vigliocco, University College London |
Situating language learning and processing in the real-worldDifferent time slot: 12:15-1:30 PM, Geneva zoom |
25.03.25 |
Marina Kalashnikova, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language |
Infant-Directed Speech: An Optimal Signal for Early Speech Processing |
01.04.25 |
Redouan Bshary, Université de Neuchâtel |
The cognition underlying partner choice decisions in marine cleaning mutualism |
08.04.25 |
Johanna Schick, Universität Zürich |
Infant-directed and infant-surrounding input in language ontogeny and phylogeny |
15.04.25 |
Hugues Duffau, Université de Montpellier |
The neural bases of conation, language, cognition, and behavior revisited by awake brain surgery: towards a meta-network organization |
22.04.25 |
No Colloquium: Easter Break |
29.04.25 |
Anna Graff, Universität Zürich |
What population genetics can tell us about the impact of contact and isolation on structural linguistic diversity |
06.05.25 |
Gabriel Jorgewich-Cohen, Universität Zürich |
What can reptiles say about the evolution of language? The importance of non-model species on broad evolutionary studies
zoom: tba
13.05.25 |
Sebastian Sauppe, Universität Zürich |
tba |
20.05.25 |
Nicholas Conard, Universität Tübingen |
tba |
27.05.2025 |
NEURO-Connect seminars: Gesa Hartwigsen, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences |
tba, different time slot: 12:15-1:30 PM, Geneva, zoom |