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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution

ISLE Colloquium

Spring 25

Day: Tuesdays
Time: 16:15–18:00
Room: AFL-F-121


Speaker(s) Title
18.02.25 No Colloquium  
25.02.25 Sarah Brocard, Université de Neuchâtel The evolutionary origins of event cognition in hominids


Mélissa Berthet, Universität Zürich
11.03.25 Kita Sotaro, University of Warwick Four psychological foundations of human language
18.03.25 NEURO-Connect seminars: Gabriella Vigliocco, University College London Situating language learning and processing in the real-worldDifferent time slot: 12:15-1:30 PM, Geneva zoom
25.03.25 Marina Kalashnikova, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language Infant-Directed Speech: An Optimal Signal for Early Speech Processing
01.04.25 Redouan Bshary, Université de Neuchâtel The cognition underlying partner choice decisions in marine cleaning mutualism
08.04.25 Johanna Schick, Universität Zürich Infant-directed and infant-surrounding input in language ontogeny and phylogeny
15.04.25 Hugues Duffau, Université de Montpellier The neural bases of conation, language, cognition, and behavior revisited by awake brain surgery: towards a meta-network organization
22.04.25 No Colloquium: Easter Break  
29.04.25 Anna Graff, Universität Zürich What population genetics can tell us about the impact of contact and isolation on structural linguistic diversity
06.05.25 Gabriel Jorgewich-Cohen, Universität Zürich

What can reptiles say about the evolution of language? The importance of non-model species on broad evolutionary studies

zoom: tba

13.05.25 Sebastian Sauppe, Universität Zürich tba
20.05.25 Nicholas Conard, Universität Tübingen tba
27.05.2025 NEURO-Connect seminars: Gesa Hartwigsen, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences tba, different time slot: 12:15-1:30 PM, Geneva, zoom