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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution


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Name                                              Function Group(s) Email
Aduse, Randa Administrative Assistant Administration Email
Aznar, Jocelyn Dr. Postdoctoral Researcher, SNSF Indo-European Studies Group Email
Babinski, Sarah Dr. Postdoctoral Researcher, SNSF Quantitative Diachronic Linguistics Group Email
Baumann, Per Dr. Liaison Librarian Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution Library Email
Baumgartner, Reto MA Research Assistant, SNSF Indo-European Studies Group Email
Benker, Anke Dipl. Head of Administration Administration Email
Berthelin, Margot MA PhD Student, NCCR Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab Email
Bickel, Balthasar Prof. Dr. Professor of General Linguistics, Head of NCCR Distributional Linguistics Lab  Email
Cathcart, Chundra Dr. habil. Senior Researcher Quantitative Diachronic Linguistics Group Email
Chrusciel, Thimona Bsc Administrative Assistant Administration Email
Craevschi, Alexandru MA PhD Student, SNSF Quantitative Diachronic Linguistics Group Email
De Becker, Caroline MA PhD Student, NCCR Distributional Linguistics Lab
Anthropological Linguistics
Dees, Laura MA PhD Student, SNSF

Indo-European Studies Group
Distributional Linguistics Lab

Dickerman, Miranda MSc PhD Student, NCCR Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab
Department of Evolutionary Anthropology
Dubuis, Margaux MA Academic Associate Research and Teaching Support Indo-European Studies Group Email
Feurstein, Liudmyla MA PhD Student Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab Email
Filippi, Piera Dr. Coordinator Administration Email
Ganieva, Sofya MSc PhD Student, NCCR

Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab

Distributional Linguistics Lab

Gfeller, Kim MA PhD Student Indo-European Studies Group
Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab
Gilford, Cheryl MSc

PhD Student, NCCR

Evolutionary Neuroscience of Language Group
Distributional Linguistics Lab

Graff, Anna Dr. Postdoctoral Researcher Distributional Linguistics Lab Email
Hardegger, Selma MA PhD Student, NCCR Evolutionary Neuroscience of Language Group
Distributional Linguistics Lab
Hellwig, Oliver Dr. habil. Postdoctoral Researcher, SNSF Indo-European Studies Group Email
Hong, Tai MA PhD Student, SNSF

CorTyp Group
Distributional Linguistics Lab

Huber, Eva MA PhD Student, NCCR Distributional Linguistics Lab
Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab
Huber, Thomas MA PhD Student, SNSF Indo-European Studies Group
Distributional Linguistics Lab
Jung, Dagmar Dr. Senior Researcher LiRI
Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab
Distributional Linguistics Lab
Junker, Annika MSc

PhD Student


Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab Email
Krapp, Sebastian Dr. habil Lecturer   Email
Kreiliger, Giuachin MSc Doktorand, NCCR Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab Email
Li Calzi, Giulia MSc PhD Student, NCCR

Evolutionary Neuroscience of Language Group
Distributional Linguistics Lab

Linders, Guido MA Researcher, SNSF CorTyp Group Email
Mansfield, John Prof. Dr. Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Anthropological Linguistics Anthropological Linguistics Email
Marcante, Agata MSc PhD Student, NCCR

Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab
Distributional Linguistics Lab

Meloni, Carlo MA PhD Student Distributional Linguistics Lab Email
Meng, Weijian Dr. Postdoctoral Researcher, NCCR

Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab

Distributional Linguistics Lab

Meyer, Martin Prof. Dr. Associate Professor for the Neuroscience of Language Evolutionary Neuroscience of Language Group Email
Morozova, Natalia MA PhD Student, NCCR Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab Email
Nitschke, Remo Dr. Postdoctoral Researcher Distributional Linguistics Lab Email
Plamada, Magdalena Postdoctoral Researcher, SNSF Indo-European Studies Group Email
Polewski, Iryna


Administration Email
Preisig, Basil Dr. Senior Researcher, SNSF Evolutionary Neuroscience of Language Group Email
Reinhard, Ronja-Marie MSc Administrative Assistant Administration Email
Roberts, Thomas MA PhD Student, NCCR Anthropological LinguisticsIndo-European Studies Group Email
Rüst, Olivier Dr. Postdoctoral Researcher Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab Email
Scarlata, Salvatore Dr. Senior Researcher Indo-European Studies Group Email
Schick, Johanna Dr. Postdoctoral Researcher, NCCR Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab
Department of Evolutionary Anthropology
Schnell, Stefan Dr. habil. Senior Researcher CorTyp Group Email
Sommerhalder, Nick MA Assistant

Evolutionary Neuroscience of Language Group

Stoll, Sabine Prof. Dr. Associate Professor of Psycholinguistics, Head of Department Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab Email
Stüber, Karin Prof. Dr. Group Leader of Celtic Studies Group Indo-European Studies Group
Celtic Studies Group
Szenogrady, Noémie Administrative Assistant Administration Email
Takahashi, Takuya Dr. Postdoctoral Researcher Indo-European Studies Group Email
Torres, Catalina Dr. Postdoctoral Researcher Distributional Linguistics Lab Email
Ulrich, Julia MA PhD Student, NCCR

Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab
Distributional Linguistics Lab

Vath, Bernd Dr. Postdoctoral Researcher Celtic Studies Group Email
Völlmin, Sascha Dr. Administrator,
PhD Coordinator Linguistics and CL
Administration Email
Wellauer, Zino MSc PhD Student Evolutionary Neuroscience of Language Group Email
Widmer, Paul Prof. Dr. Professor of Indo-European Linguistics, Deputy
Head of Department
Indo-European Studies Group Email
Zakharko, Taras Dr. Scientific Services Distributional Linguistics Lab Email
Zehnder, Thomas PD Dr. Senior Researcher, SNSF Indo-European Studies Group Email
Zipp, Lena Dr. Lab Coordinator DLL,
Study Advisor, Program Coordinator
Distributional Linguistics Lab


Name Institution E-Mail
Arslan, Ilyas Dr. Munzur University Email

Associated Researchers

Name Institution E-Mail

Berthet, Mélissa Dr.

Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Zurich


Burkart, Judith Prof. Dr. Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology, Evolutionary Cognition Group, University of Zurich Email
Daum, Moritz Prof. Dr. Department of Psychology Developmental Psychology: Infancy and Childhood, University of Zurich Email
Dedio, Stefan Dr. University of Helsinki Email
Dellwo, Volker Department of Computational Linguistics Phonetics, University of Zürich Email
Frühholz, Sascha Prof. Dr. University of Oslo, Department of Psychology Email
Furrer, Reinhard Prof. Dr. Department of Mathematical Modeling and Machine Learning, University of Zurich Email
Glock, Hans-Johann Prof. Dr.

Senior Advisor, NCCR

Department of Philosophy, Chair of Theoretical Philosophy, University of Zurich

Hahnloser, Richard Prof. Dr. Institute of Neuroinformatics, Birdsong and Natural Language Group, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich Email
Herce, Borja Dr. Department of Romance Studies, University of Zurich Email
Hervais-Adelman, Alexis Prof. Dr. Department of Basic Neurosciences, Dynamics of Brain and Language Lab, University of Geneva Email
Ivani, Jessica Dr. Department of Linguistics, University of Tübingen Email

Lahiff, Nicole Dr.

Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Zurich


Manser, Marta Prof. Dr. Institut für Evolutionsbiologie und Umweltwissenschaften, Kommunikation und Kognition bei sozialen Säugetieren, Universität Zürich Email
Migliano, Andrea Prof. Dr. Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, Human Evolutionary Ecology, University of Zurich Email
Nichols, Johanna Prof. Dr. University of California, Berkeley, Slavic Languages and Literatures Email
Sauppe, Sebastian Dr. Psychologisches Institut, Entwicklungspsychologie: Säuglings- und Kindesalter, Universität Zürich Email

Schamberg, Isaac Dr.

Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Zurich


Sharma Pathak, Lekhnath Dr. Central Department of Linguistics, Tribhuvan University Email
Shimizu, Kentaro Prof. Dr. Institut für Evolutionsbiologie und Umweltwissenschaften, Evolutionäre und Ökologische Genomik, Universität Zürich Email

Spiess, Silvan MSc

Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Zurich


Townsend, Simon Prof. Dr. Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, Comparative Communication and Cognition Group, University of Zurich Email
van Schaik, Carel Prof. em. Dr.

Program Director, ISLE Colloquium
Senior Advisor, NCCR

Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Zurich

Wegdell, Franziska MSc

Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Zurich
Language, ACQuisition, DIVersity Lab

Weibel, Robert Prof. Dr. Department of Geography, Geographic Information Systems, Universität Zürich Email
Wilson, Vanessa Dr. University of Neuchâtel, Comparative Cognition Lab Email
Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Linguistics Email
Zariquiey, Roberto Prof. Dr. Department of Humanities, Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú Email
Zuberbühler, Klaus Prof. Dr. Institute of Biology, Department of Comparative Cognition, University of Neuchâtel Email