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Databases and analytical tools for multivariate, hi-resolution collection of cross-linguistic data in grammar and phonology
How can we best combine descriptive accuracy in individual languages with global comparability? How can we collect data in a sustainable format, maximizing re-usability and replicability? How to best represent complex structural data in both human- and machine-friendly ways? Our most intensive work here is on AUTOTYP.
Selected publications:
Ivani, J. & B. Bickel. 2023 Databases for comparative syntactic research. To appear in The Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Syntax, ed. Barbiers, S., N. Corver & M. PolinskyArXiv
Bickel, B., J. Nichols, T. Zakharko, A. Witzlack-Makarevich, K. Hildebrandt, M. Rießler, L. Bierkandt, F. Zúñiga & J. B. Lowe. 2017. The AUTOTYP typological databases, version 0.1.0.
Bickel, B. & J. Nichols. 2002. Autotypologizing databases and their use in fieldwork. In P. Austin, H. Dry & P. Wittenburg (eds.), Proceedings of the International LREC Workshop on Resources and Tools in Field Linguistics, Las Palmas, 26-27 May 2002, Nijmegen: MPI for Psycholinguistics.
For an overview of our work between 2005 and 2015, also check out the Distributional Typology web site.