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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution Distributional Linguistics Lab

Phylogenetic Comparative Methods


  • Team: Chundra Cathcart, Taras Zakharko, Balthasar Bickel


Selected publications:

Cathcart, C. & B. Bickel. 2024. Linguistic evolution in time and space: addressing the methodological challenges. To appear in The Oxford Handbook of Approaches to Language Evolution, ed. Limor Raviv & Cedric Boeckx). EcoEvoRxiv

Bickel, B. 2013. Distributional biases in language families. In B. Bickel, L. A. Grenoble, D. A. Peterson & A. Timberlake (eds.), Language typology and historical contingency, 415–444. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Zakharko, T. & B. Bickel. 2011ff. familybias: Family bias estimation. R package,