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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution Distributional Linguistics Lab

Morphological Domains

Cohesion, order, and abstract patterns in morphology

What makes certain patterns diachronically more stable than others? What mechanisms shape cohesion and order?

  • Contact: Borja Herce and Carmen Saldaña

  • Team: Carmen Saldaña, Borja Herce, Chundra Cathcart, Jessica Ivani, Balthasar Bickel

  • Local Partners: Sabine Stoll, Paul Widmer


Selected publications:

Saldana, C., Herce, B. & Bickel, B. (2022) More or less unnatural: Semantic similarity shapes the learnability and cross-linguistic distribution of syncretism in morphological paradigms. Open Mind.

Saldana, C., Herce, B., & Bickel, B. (2022). A Naturalness Gradient Shapes the Learnability and Cross-Linguistic Distribution of Morphological Paradigms. In: Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.

Mansfield, J., Saldana, C., Hurst, P., Nordlinger, R., Stoll, S., Bickel, B. & Perfors, A. (2022) Category clustering and morphological learning. Cognitive Science.

Cathcart, Chundra; Herce, Borja; Bickel, Balthasar (2022). Decoupling Speed of Change and Long-Term Preference in Language Evolution: Insights From Romance Verb Stem Alternations. In: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE), Kanazawa, Japan, 5 September 2022 - 8 September 2022, JCoLE.

Mansfield, J., S. Stoll & B. Bickel. (2020). Category clustering: A probabilistic bias in the morphology of argument marking. Language 96.2: 255-293. doi:10.1353/lan.2020.0021.

Widmer, M., M. Jenny, W. Behr & B. Bickel. (2020). Morphological structure can escape reduction effects from mass admixture of second language speakers: Evidence from Sino-Tibetan. Studies in Language,

Seifart, F., J. Strunk, S. Danielsen, I. Hartmann, B. Pakendorf, S. Wichmann, A. Witzlack-Makarevich, N. H. de Jong & B. Bickel. (2018). Nouns slow down speech across structurally and culturally diverse languages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 10.1073/pnas.1800708115.

Bickel, B. & F. Zúñiga. (2017). The ‘word’ in polysynthetic languages: Phonological and syntactic challenges. In M. D. Fortescue, M. Mithun & N. Evans (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Polysynthesis, 158 – 185. Oxford: Oxford University Press.