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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution Balthasar Bickel

Databases, dictionaries, corpora

Bickel, B., J. Nichols, T. Zakharko, A. Witzlack-Makarevich, K. Hildebrandt, M. Rießler, L. Bierkandt, F. Zúñiga & J. B. Lowe. 2022. The AUTOTYP typological databases, version 1.0. GitHub 
Rai, M., G. Banjade, T. N. Bhatta, M. Gaenszle, E. Lieven, N. P. Paudyal, N. K. Rai, I. P. Rai, S. Stoll, & B. Bickel. 2009. Chintang dictionary (ca. 7,000 entries, Nepali and English glosses, Nepali explanations, examples, grammatical information). DoBeS Archive.
Bickel, B., Banjade, G., Bhatta, T. N., Gaenszle, M. Lieven, E. Paudyal, N. P., Rai, M, Rai, N. K., Rai, I. P., Stoll, S. 2009. Audiovisual Chintang corpus (ca. 160,000 words, plus paradigm sets and grammar sketches, ethnographic descriptions, photographs). DoBeS ArchiveMore information...
Stoll, S., Bickel, B., Lieven, E., B., Banjade, G., Bhatta, T. N., Gaenszle, M. Paudyal, N. P., Rai, M, Rai, N. K., Rai, I. P. 2009. Audiovisual corpus on the acquisition of Chintang by 6 children (ca. 770,000 words). DoBeS Archive.
Rai, V. S., S. K. Rai, N. P. Gautam (Sharma), A. Rai, D. Schackow, M. Gaenszle & B. Bickel 2009. Puma dictionary (ca. 7,000 entries, Nepali and English glosses, Nepali explanations, examples, grammatical information).  DoBeS Archive.
Bickel B., Rai, V. S., S. K. Rai, N. P. Gautam (Sharma), A. Rai, D. Schackow & M. Gaenszle. 2009. Audiovisual Puma corpus (ca. 150,000 words transcribed and translated, of which ca. 112'000 words glossed and translated, plus paradigm sets and grammar sketches, ethnographic descriptions, photographs). DoBeS Archive.
Bickel, B. 1997. Dictionary of the Belhare language: Belhare - English - Nepali. Deposited in the Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesauru, University of California at Berkeley. [ONLINE VERSION]