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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution

Spring Term 2019

Every Tuesdays from 12:30 to 2:00 pm.


Date Room Topic Presenter
26.02.2019 KOL-G-212

"Defining syntax" and "Chomsky & Berwick book"

Klaus Zuberbühler

05.03.2019 -- No meeting (ISLE Inaugural Workshop) --
13.03.2019 RAA-E-29

Why language evolved: sharpening the question.

Carel van Schaik

20.03.2019 RAA-E-29 Topic open --
26.03.2019 KOL-G-217

Non-adjacent dependency processing in monkeys, apes and humans

Stuart Watson

02.04.2019 KOL-G-217

Denotative vs imperative

Klaus Zuberbühler, Sabine Stoll, Marta Manser

09.04.2019 KOL-G-217

Topic open

16.04.2019 RAI-H-041

Event conceptualization and language

Balthasar Bickel, Klaus Zuberbühler

23.04.2019 -- No meeting (Easter holidays) --


No meeting --
07.05.2019 Y25-G-11 (Irchel campus)

The dynamics of indexical information in speech communication or "Why did speaking styles evolve?" (abstract)

Volker Dellwo
14.05.2019 RAI-G-041

Topic open

21.05.2019 RAI-G-041

POSTPONED to 11.06.2019


28.05.2019 KOL-G-209

(1) Evolution of phonetics and phonology (EVOPHON)

(2) Thematic roles are used in animal cognition

(1) Steven Moran

(2) Chris Golston (California State University Fresno)



The bursty nature of words in conversation: how communication paves the way to language

Damián Blasi


Unterseiten von Spring Term 2019