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Date |
Speaker(s) | Title |
17.09.24 | Simon Greenhill, University of Auckland | Functionally tracing linguistic diversity, disparity, and loss |
24.09.24 | Matías Guzmán Naranjo, Universität Freiburg | Why modeling space is hard: unidirectional contact, expansion events and other stuff |
01.10.24 | Introduction of new NCCR PhDs / Postdocs |
Thomas Roberts, Julia Ulrich, Margot Berthelin, Giuachin Kreiliger, Agata Marcante
08.10.24 | Federico Rossano, University of California | Investigating Diverse Intelligences Outside The Lab: Challenges and Opportunities |
15.10.24 | Introduction of new NCCR PhDs / Postdocs |
Weijian Meng, Caroline De Becker, Sofya Ganieva, Giulia Li Calzi, Cheryl Gilford, Selma Hardegger
22.10.24 | Sabine Stoll, Universität Zürich | First Language Acquisition in the Light of Evolution |
29.10.24 | MA Thesis Presentations Introduction of new NCCR PhDs |
Jacob Ayers, Elisa Protopapa, Elena Belli, Aurélie Le Fur |
05.11.24 | Paul Verdu, Université Paris Cité | Reconstructing jointly the complex genetic and linguistic histories of a population and it's language: the case of Kriolu-speakers from Cabo Verde |
12.11.24 | No Colloquium | NCCR: Phase 2 public presentation |
19.11.24 | Robert Seyfarth, University of Pennsylvania | The Social Origins of Language and Thought |
26.11.24 | Paola Cerrito, Universität Zürich | The evolution of the social and neural context in which language emerged |
03.12.24 | Attila Andics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest | The neural bases of speech perception in dogs |
10.12.24 | Aylin Küntay, Koç University | Putting interaction back into communication of infants and preschoolers |
17.12.2024 | No Colloquium - IVS Day |