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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution LiMiTS

The workshop is planned to be held at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) (Zurich, 10–13 September 2017). We invite 20 minutes presentation (+ 8 minutes for discussion). Preliminary abstracts (300 words, excluding references, DOCX and/or PDF) should be sent to Francesco Gardani ( by 25 October 2016. They will be selected and serve to prepare a workshop proposal to be submitted to the SLE.

Important Dates:

25 October 2016: Deadline for submission of 300-word abstracts to the workshop organizer
10 November 2016: Notification of acceptance by the workshop organizer
25 November 2016: Submission of the workshop proposals to SLE
25 December 2016: Notification of acceptance of workshop proposals from SLE
15 January 2017: Deadline for submission of abstracts to SLE for review
31 March 2017: Notification of paper acceptance
10–13 September 2017: SLE conference