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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution

Fall Term 2020

Due to the university's measures against COVID-19, the ISLE talks for this term (HS 20) are currently held via Zoom.

Information for UZH staff and students regarding the coronavirus outbreak

This semester, the ISLE colloquium will be a joint event organized with the NCCR Evolving Language and the Brain & Cognition colloquium in Geneva.

The colloquium take place on Tuesdays from 12:15 to 13:45.

Contact us if you would like to participate in the zoom meeting or discuss any ISLE related topic or ongoing study.



Date Host Room Topic Presenter
29.09.2020 B&C-NCCR Zoom The social brain: Neural basis of social motivation Camilla Bellone (University of Geneva)
13.10.2020 ISLE Y15 G-19 / Zoom Integrating Human Genetics and Linguistic Diversity Chiara Barbieri (University of Zurich)
27.10.2020 ISLE-NCCR Zoom Agent-based and mathematical models of cultural language evolution Bart de Boer (VUB, Artificial Intelligence Research Group)
03.11.2020 ISLE Zoom Computational Properties of Language in Deep Learning Architectures James Henderson (EPFL / Idiap)
10.11.2020 ISLE Zoom Longitudinal patterns of emoji usage in the What's up Switzerland corpus: methodological issues and preliminary investigations Aris Xanthos (University of Lausanne)
17.11.2020 ISLE   cancelled  
24.11.2020 B&C-NCCR Zoom The listening challenges of multi-speaker environments: Mechanisms for focusing and distributing attention Elena Zion-Golumbic (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
01.12.2020 ISLE Zoom Inferring past populations dynamics from languages and genes with Approximate Bayesian Computation Sylvia Ghirotto (University of Ferrara)
08.12.2020 ISLE Zoom Brain networks at play for emotional prosody processing Didier Grandjean (University of Geneva)
15.12.2020 ISLE   no meeting