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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution


Day 1 - Thursday 13 March

Time Title, click for abstract (tba)
Authors, Presenter
09:15-09:30 Welcome

Plenary 1: Title tba

Dan Dediu

10:45-11:30 ---   Coffee Break   ---

The comparative method cannot tell us how languages evolve
Steven Moran, Tiena Danner 


Traditional ODE models of language change driven by individual-level interactions are often not accurate, but we can still learn something from them
Andreas Baumann 

12:30-14:00 ---   Lunch Break   ---

Agent-based simulations as process models of linguistic dynamics
Frederik Hartmann


Evolutionary dynamics of maximal syllable complexity reveal lineage-specific trends

Laura C. Dees, Shelece M. Easterday, Bathasar Bickel, Paul Widmer, Chundra A. Cathcart


Modeling language history as a graph: an exploratory paper

Florian Wandl, Julia Ulrich


15:30-16:15 --- Coffee Break ---

Uncovering variation in the reality of morphosyntactic features in Africa: A Bayesian approach

Miri Mertner


Writing does not impact the evolutionary dynamics of syntax
Carlo Y. Meloni, Chundra A. Cathcart, Jessica K. Ivani, Taras Zakharko, Guanghao You, Balthasar Bickel

18:00 ---   Conference Dinner (for authors)   ---


Day 2 - Friday, 14 March

Time Title
Authors, Presenter
10:00-10:30 Concept embeddings: Applying graph embedding techniques to colexification networks
Arne Rubehn

Modeling the dynamics of societal multilingualism in the MULTILING-HIST project

Amy Anderson, Bartłomiej Chromik, Joanna Maryniak

11:00-11:45 ---   Coffee Break   ---
11:45-12:15 Opening the garden: Modelling variation between South Slavic redactions of Church Slavonic and early vernacular-based Balkan Slavic literature
Barbara Sonnenhauser, Ivan Šimko
12:15-12:45 Less is poor. When could the reducing effect lead to chaos?
Anthe Sevenants, Dirk Speelman, Freek Van de Velde
12:45-14:00 ---   Lunch Break  ---

Population genetics as a window on macro-evolutionary effects of contact and isolation on language structure

Anna Graff, Erik Ringen, Kentaro Shimizu, Chiara Barbieri, Balthasar Bickel


The impact of morphology-external factors on Germanic preterite regularization: converging evidence from historical language data, population size and agent-based simulations

Dirk Pijpops, Isabeau De Smet, Freek Van de Velde


Macro- and micro-approaches to language and linguistic evolution

Balthasar Bickel

15:30-16:15 ---   Coffee Break   ---

Plenary 2: Title TBA

Henri Kauhanen

17:30-18:15 Round table discussion on major workshop themes; closing