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This workshop brings together scholars working on various aspects of the Vietnamese language. Our experts will give talks on prosody, serial verbs, linguistic structure, language acquisition, and the practical considerations of fieldwork in Vietnam. Via structured brainstorming sessions at the end of each day, participants will be able to develop research ideas under the guidance of our invited experts and discuss future collaborative work directly with our guests from the University of Languages and International Studies (Vietnam National University, Hanoi).
Attendance is open to UZH and NCCR-affiliated researchers and students. Students interested in pursuing projects on the Vietnamese language will be awarded 1 ECTS for attending the talks and participating in the brainstorming sessions. For more information on obtaining 1 ECTS, see the Registration form.
Please register via the external link
Wednesday, 6th September 2023 (KAB-E-03)
9:00 |
Coffee and welcome |
Session 1: Serial verbs |
9:30 |
Specific issues and classification of Vietnamese Serial Verb Constructions Prof. Dr. Lam Quang Dong (University of Languages and International Studies, VNU Hanoi) |
10:20 |
Vietnamese between grammar and discourse – the perspective from East and mainland Southeast Asian languages Prof. Dr. Walter Bisang (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz) |
11:10 |
Break |
11:25 |
Composing boundaries: Vietnamese serial verb constructions and the electrophysiology of structure planning outside the lab Alexander Shaw (UZH) |
12:00 |
Lunch |
Session 2: Structure |
13:30 |
ONLINE: Hidden Complexity in Vietnamese Tense, Aspect, and Negation Dr. Phan Thi Huyen Trang (University of Languages and International Studies, VNU Hanoi) |
14:20 |
Notes on the pronunciation and interpretation of the IEC morpheme in Vietnamese |
15:10 |
Coffee break |
15:40 |
Brainstorming session |
16:40 |
Break |
17:30 |
Apéro |
Workshop dinner for invited guests |
Thursday, 7th September 2023 (RAI-J-031)
9:00 |
Coffee and welcome |
Session 3: Language Acquisition and Fieldwork |
9:30 |
How do children learn language?: why study Vietnamese Prof. Dr. Sabine Stoll (UZH) |
10:20 |
Building a corpus of Vietnamese first language acquisition Miranda Dickerman (UZH) |
11:10 |
Break |
11:25 |
Linguistic field research in Vietnam: practical considerations Bui Thi Phuong Mai (University of Languages and International Studies, VNU Hanoi) |
12:00 |
Lunch |
13:30 |
Coordinating joint activities in Vietnamese: Universality and acquisition of project markers Natalia Morozova (UZH) |
14:15 |
Break |
Session 4: Prosody |
14:30 |
Monosyllabism and Wordlessness in Vietnamese Prof. Dr. Balthasar Bickel (UZH) |
15:20 |
Telling compounds and phrases apart. The role of prosody in Vietnamese perceptual chunking Dr. Sandrien van Ommen (University of Geneva) |
16:10 |
Coffee break |
16:40 |
Brainstorming session |
17:30 |
Apéro |
Workshop dinner for invited guests |
The first day of the workshop (September 6, 2023) will be held with on-site presentations in the KAB building of the University of Zurich (Kantonsschulstrasse 3, 8001 Zurich), room KAB-E-03.
The second day of the workshop (September 7, 2023) will be held on-site in the RAI building of the University of Zurich (Rämistrasse 74, 8001 Zürich), room RAI-J-031.
We gratefully acknowledge the generous support from UZH Graduate Campus (GRC), the NCCR Evolving Language, UZH Hochschulstiftung, and UZH Global Affairs.