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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution

Day 1: Thu, September 16


Times CET Talks
9.00-9.30 Welcome

Evan Kidd and Rowena Garcia.
How diverse is child language research? Abstract (PDF, 608 KB)


Rowena Garcia, Gabriela Garrido Rodriguez and Evan Kidd.
Learning to parse a symmetrical voice language: Evidence from Tagalog Abstract (PDF, 418 KB)

10.30-11.00 Olivier Rüst, Marco Baroni and Sabine Stoll.
The Acquisition of Case Systems in Typologically Diverse Languages: Children Gradually Generalize Abstract Grammatical Rules Abstract (PDF, 88 KB)
11.00-11.30 Coffee break

Piermatteo Morucci, Clara Martin and Nicola Molinaro.
Language experience affects predictive processing of rhythmic sound sequences Abstract (PDF, 1 MB)


Noèlia Sanahuja and Kepa Erdocia.
The facilitatory role of L1 syntax in the initial learning of L2 syntax Abstract (PDF, 44 KB)

12.30-13.00 Kalliopi Katsika, Maria Lialiou and Shanley Allen.
Real-time processing of relative clauses in heritage speakers of Greek in Germany Abstract (PDF, 187 KB)
13.00-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-15.30 Plenary: Prof. Elena Lieven Abstract

Coffee break


Maayan Keshev, Mandy Cartner and Aya Meltzer-Asscher.
Processing multiple dependencies: Predicates’ and reflexive pronouns' agreement Abstract (PDF, 156 KB)

16.30-17.00 Steven Foley and Matt Wagers.
Parsing case in the face of ditransitive garden paths: Reading time evidence from Georgian Abstract (PDF, 229 KB)