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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution


Day 1 - Monday 2 September

Time Title, click for abstract
Authors, Presenter
08:15-08:45 Registration
08:45-09:00 Welcome

A production-comprehension asymmetry in relative clause extraposition: crosslinguistic data from Persian and German
Nasimeh Bahmanian, Anna Pressler, Markus Bader, Sol Lago


Ambiguities Resolution in Mandarin Relative Clause Processing: Insight from Sentence Completion
Yaling Hsiao, Jinman Li, Maryellen MacDonald


Real-time thematic role assignment in Pitjantjatjara: an eye-tracking study
Anton Malko, Sasha Wilmoth, Thivina Thanabalan, Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, Rachel Nordlinger, Matthias Schlesewsky, Evan Kidd

10:30-11:00 ---   Coffee Break   ---

Cross-linguistic variation of semantic transparency effects on morphological processing in light of Modern Greek evidence
Nikolaos Ntagkas


Ergative planning strategies vary by language
Caroline Andrews, Roberto Zariquiey, Sebastian Sauppe, Margaux Dubuis, Balthasar Bickel


The role of language-specific and universal constraints on agreement processing in Hindi production
Pranab Bagartti, Samar Husain

12:30-13:30 ---   Lunch Break (Olivenhalle)   ---


Investigating the Three Ps of Processing in SOV Languages: Prediction, Priming and Production
Samar Husain


Ontogeny of incremental sentence processing: an EEG study on Basque
Arrate Isasi-Isasmendi, Caroline Andrews, Simona Mancini, Sabine Stoll, Marina Kalashnikova, Balthasar Bickel,  Sebastian Sauppe

15:00-15:15 ---   Coffee Break   ---
15:15-16:30 Poster Session

Constructing dependencies with optional elements: Insights from Vietnamese

Linh Pham, Elsi Kaiser


Linguistic and Methodological Factors Shaping the Noun Bias In Early Language Production
Yiqun (Mia) Zhang, Subin Kim, Marisa Casillas


Different language structures and linguistic demands shape children use of learning strategies
Julien Mayor, Ming Yean Sia

19:00 ---   Conference Dinner at Moudi's Lecker Garten   ---


Day 2 - Tuesday, 3 September

Time Title
Authors, Presenter
09:00-09:30 Priming the Coerced Expressions in Sentence Production
Mikihiro Tanaka
09:30-10:00 A complex adaptive system approach to serial verb constructions
Naomi Peck
10:00-10:30 Contrasting lexical and grammatical items in aphasia across languages and word classes
Kasper Boye, Mads Nielsen, Johanne S. K. Nedergaard, Linlin Sun, Silvia Martínez Ferreiro
10:30-11:00 ---   Coffee Break   ---
11:00-11:30 Acquisition of complex structures in Inuktitut
Olga Alice Johnson, Hannah Lee, Shanley Allen
11:30-12:00 Acquisition of negation in Mongolian using the Sketch Acquisition approach
Dorjderem Byambasuren, Shanley Allen
12:00-12:30 Infant-Directed Language in Tashlhiyt Berber: Hypo-articulation Is Not Challenging Enough
Abdellah Elouatiq, Christina Bergmann, Evan Kidd, Caroline Rowland
12:30-14:00 ---   Lunch Break (Octavo)   ---


Voices Unbound: Long-Form Recordings to Study the Development of Speech Behavior in the Wild

Alex Cristia


-- Coffee Break --


Capturing human behaviour at a global scale: The Diversity Sampler

Sabine Stoll, Erik Ringen, Balthasar Bickel

15:50-16:20 Investigating the interaction between prediction and morphological complexity in Malayalam
Nayana Raj, Samar Husain
16:20-16:30 --Coffee Break--
16:30-17:00 Understanding the Role(s) of Person and Number in Vietnamese Reflexives
Christine Nguyen, Shayne Sloggett
17:00-17:30 Attachment Preference in Vietnamese: Testing the Effect of Small Clause Availability
Da Thao Anh Ngo, Nino Grillo
17:30-18:00 Mapping Concepts to Words: A Cross-Linguistic Study on Negation Acquisition
 Annika McDermott-Hinman, Rowena Garcia, Scott Anderbois, Roman Feiman

Closing Remarks

18:15 ---   Goodbye Drinks (Zum Frischen Max)   ---



Authors, Presenter
Guaraní Speaking Proficiency for cognitive studies
Alejandra Beatriz Sadaniowski, Cecilia Andrea Murata, Laura María Victoria Manoiloff
Rapidly building the missing infrastructure for language science: A case study with Formosan languages
Joshua Hartshorne, Emily Prud'hommeaux, Li-May Sung, Eric Le Ferrand
Anaphoric vs. deictic pronouns in aphasia in Tagalog and English
Ane Dine Markussen Thy, Jonathan Gerona, Silvia Martínez-Ferreiro, Srdjan Popov, Kasper Boye
Island Constraints and Processing in Vietnamese
Shayne Sloggett, Quynh Kim Chieu
Measuring lexical diversity in Inuktitut with MATTR
Olga Alice Johnson, Shanley Allen

Developing a multilingual eye-tracking-while-reading corpus

Chiara Tschirner, Jan Brasser, Maja Stegenwallner-Schütz, Deborah Jakobi, Ramunė Kasperė, Nora Hollenstein, Lena Jäger

How does dependency type mediate gender agreement in Russian?

Cui Ding, Ethan Gotlieb Wilcox, Metehan Oguz, Zuzanna Fuchs