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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution

Talks by members of the Department of General Linguistics at ALT10 in Leipzig

At the 10th biennal Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT10) - taking place in Leipzig August 15-18, 2013 - there will be a number of talks by members of the Department of General Linguistics:

Iemmolo, Giorgio and Alena Witzlack-Makarevich:
"When is there agreement? Typologizing restrictions on agreement".

Grossman, Eitan and Giorgio Iemmolo:
"A rare case of Differential Marking on S/A: the case of Coptic".

Jenny, Mathias:
"Transitive directionals in Mon - form, function and implications for linguistic typology".

Moran, Steven:
"Typology with graphs and matrices".

Moran, Steven, Taras Zakharko and Balthasar Bickel:
"Estimating diachronic preferences of phonological features cross-linguistically".

Weber, Tobias:
"Why is ergativity often restricted to certain environments? A look at the diachrony of Differential A Marking".

Abstracts can be downloaded from the link below:
