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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution

Damian Blasi, Manuel Widmer, Piar Karim, and Jekaterina Mažara to join our scientific staff

The department is happy to welcome Damián Blasi, Manuel Widmer, Piar Karim, and Jekaterina Mažara as new members of our scientific staff. Damián Blasi is finishing his PhD at the Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences with a dissertation on large-scale comparison of language structures with data science methods. Manuel Widmer received his PhD in Historical Linguistics at the University of Bern with a dissertation entitled “A descriptive grammar of Bunan”. Piar Karim received his MA from the University of North Texas is now taking up a PhD project on Burushaski and neighboring languages. Jekaterina Mažara received her MA from the University of Zürich and is now starting her cumulative dissertation on the acquisition of aspect as part of the ACQDIV project.
