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From September 6th to 8th 2023, Department of Comparative Language Science (UZH) hosted the workshop “Topics in Vietnamese Linguistics”, which brought together renowned scholars to share the state-of-the-art research on various aspects of the Vietnamese language, celebrate the newly established collaboration with the University of Languages and International Studies (VNU, Hanoi), and foster ideas for new joint projects.
Our invited experts Prof. Lam Quang Dong, Dr. Phan Thi Huyen Trang , and Bui Thi Phuong Mai (University of Languages and International Studies, VNU Hanoi), Prof. Walter Bisang (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz), and Dr. Tue Trinh (Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics) gave talks on Vietnamese serial verb constructions, linguistic structure, and the practical considerations of fieldwork in Vietnam.
The NCCR Evolving Language researchers Prof. Balthasar Bickel, Prof. Sabine Stoll, Dr. Sandrien van Ommen, Miranda Dickerman, Alexander Shaw, and Natalia Morozova shared the first results of the ongoing joint research projects between the NCCR Evolving Language and ULIS and explained why it is important to study Vietnamese in the context of language evolution.
The exchange of exciting project ideas and the discussion of potential collaborations took place during structured brainstorming sessions (moderated by Dr. van Ommen) and continued at multiple networking events organised with the support of Graduate Research Campus (UZH), the NCCR Evolving Language, Hochschulstiftung (UZH) and Global Affairs (UZH).