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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution

Culture Conference 2024 hosted by DCLS

Culture Conference 2024 was hosted on February 8th and 9th by the Department of Comparative Language Science, in collaboration with the departments of Evolutionary Anthropology and Evolutionary Biology & Environmental Studies. The event brought together almost 200 researchers (in-person and remotely) from across diverse fields including linguistics, psychology, anthropology, biology, economics and philosophy united in their interest in research on Cultural Evolution.

The event was a great success, with two days of inspiring presentations, four fantastic keynote speakers (Dr's Ellen Garland, Charley Wu, Limor Raviv and Sheina Lew-Levy) and lots of new friends being made.

It was the conference's last time in Zürich, but the torch is being passed to Dr. Edwin Van Leeuwen and his group at Utrecht for Culture Conference's 10th anniversary!

