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Members of the ISLE Institute and the NCCR Evolving Language are scheduled to speak at the 2025 BrainFair on "Sprache und Gehirn", organized by the UZH and ETHZ's Neuroscience Center Zurich.
Discussion forums include:
Einführungsforum: Sprache und Gehirn
With Martin Meyer, Balthasar Bickel and Carel van Schaik
Kommunikation im Tierreich
With Piera Filippi, Judith Burkart and Marta Manser
Sprachen lernen
With Moritz Daum, Sebastian Sauppe und Silvia Brem
Wenn Hören und Sprechen schwierig werden With Nathalie Giroud, Basil Preisig und Tobias Kleinjung
Language: German
Time: 18:30-20:00, Mon-Thu, 10 - 13 March
Location: Universitätsspital Zürich
Free entry, no registration necessary.
See program for details and abstracts