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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution


Ontogeny, diachrony and diversity of linguistic units

LingUnits is an interlab project that aims at uncovering the dynamics of linguistic units from historical, acquisitional, prosodic and cross-linguistic perspectives.

Can any patterns be discerned in the diachronic development of linguistic units? What linguistic units are children able to extract from their input, and what is the impact of the morphosyntactic properties of languages on the nature and size of these units? How are phonetic and phonological cues used to mark linguistic units of different sizes in the speech of different languages? What are the variables and coding strategies that are required to explore and shed light on linguistic units cross linguistically?

  • Contact: Jocelyn Aznar
  • Team: Balthasar Bickel, Sabine Stoll, Paul Widmer, Catalina Torres, Jocelyn Aznar, Laura Dees, Thomas Huber; former members: Jessica Ivani, Morgane Jourdain, Erika Just.