Zehnder, Thomas (2025). Quotations from the Paippalāda-Saṁhitā in Patañjali’s Mahābhāṣya. In: Leach, Robert; Hellwig, Oliver; Zehnder, Thomas. Studies in the Atharvaveda : Proceedings of the 3rd Zurich International Conference on Indian Literature and Philosophy. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 331-348.
Widmer, Paul; Hellwig, Oliver (2025). Discontinuous Linearization of Vedic Nominal Expressions. In: Leach, Robert; Hellwig, Oliver; Zehnder, Thomas. Studies in the Atharvaveda : Proceedings of the 3rd Zurich International Conference on Indian Literature and Philosophy. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 57-72.
Mansfield, John (2024). Morphology. In: Frank, Michael C; Majid, Asifa. Open Encyclopaedia of Cognitive Science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, online.
Mansfield, John; Billington, Rosey; Stoakes, Hywel (2024). Vowel predictability and omission in Anindilyakwa. In: Kim, Ji Yea; Miatto, Veronica; Petrovic, Andrija; Repetti, Lori. Epenthesis and beyond: Recent approaches to insertion in phonology and its interfaces. Berlin: Language Science Press, 57-84.
Stüber, Karin (2024). Sprachliche Vorgeschichte. In: Glaser, Elvira; Kabatek, Johannes; Sonnenhauser, Barbara. Sprachräume der Schweiz: Band 1: Sprachen. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, 1-20.
Sauppe, Sebastian; Andrews, Caroline; Norcliffe, Elisabeth (2023). Experimental research in cross-linguistic psycholinguistics. In: Zufferey, Sandrine; Gygax, Pascal. The Routledge Handbook of Experimental Linguistics. London: Routledge, 156-172.
Menuta, Fekede; Völlmin, Sascha (2023). Chaha group. In: Meyer, Ronny; Wakjira, Bedilu; Leyew, Zelealem. The Oxford Handbook of Ethiopian Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 472-499.
Kircher, Ruth; Zipp, Lena (2022). An Introduction to Language Attitudes Research. In: Kircher, Ruth; Zipp, Lena. Research Methods in Language Attitudes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-16.
Zipp, Lena (2022). Questionnaires to Elicit Qualitative Data. In: Kircher, Ruth; Zipp, Lena. Research Methods in Language Attitudes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 145-159.
Schnell, Stefan (2022). Caused accompanied motion constructions in Vera’a. In: Hellwig, Birgit; Margetts, Anna; Riesberg, Sonja. Caused accompanied motion. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 243-271.
Carling, Gerd; Cathcart, Chundra; Round, Erich (2022). Reconstructing the origins of language families and variation. In: Lock, Andrew; Sinha, Chris; Gontier, Nathalie. The Oxford Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press, online.
Schnell, Stefan; Haig, Geoffrey; Seifart, Frank (2022). The role of language documentation in corpus-based typology. In: Haig, Geoffrey; Schnell, Stefan; Seifart, Frank. Doing Corpus-Based Typology With Spoken Language Corpora: State of the art. Honolulu, HI, U.S.A.: University of Hawai'i Press, 1-28.
Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena; Nichols, Johanna; Hildebrandt, Kristine; Zakharko, Taras; Bickel, Balthasar (2022). Managing AUTOTYP Data: Design Principles and Implementation. In: Berez-Kroeker, Andrea L; McDonnell, Bradley; Koller, Eve; Collister, Lauren B. The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management. Cambridge: MIT Press, 632-642.
Torres, Catalina; Schnell, Stefan (2022). A corpus study of word (root) prominence in Vera'a. In: Billington, Rosey. Proceedings of the 18th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology. Canberra: ASSTA, 211-215.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara; Widmer, Paul (2022). Object clause indexing in Albanian. In: Nevins, Andrew; Peti-Stanic, Anita; de Vos, Mark; Willer-Gold, Jana. Angles of object agreement. London: Oxford University Press, 327-339.
Sommer, Florian (2022). „Irdische Herren“? – Lasitius’ *Zemopacios* onomastisch betrachtet. In: Navickaitė-Klišauskienė, Agnė; Rinkevičius, Vytautas; Sinkevičiūtė, Daiva; Villanueva Svensson, Miguel. Baltìstikos platýbėse : baltų kalbotyros straipsnių rinkinys, skirtas prof. Bonifaco Stundžios 70 metų jubiliejui. Vilnius: Knygos.lt, 327-340.
Stüber, Karin (2022). Homerischer Kampfesmut: μένος und μέμονα. In: Becker, Kristina; Bichlmeier, Harald; Kölligan, Daniel; Quadrio, Tiziana; Roth, Teresa. Συντακτικός : Studien zur historischen Syntax, Pragmatik und Etymologie der indogermanischen Sprachen : Gedenkschrift für Heinrich Hettrich. Hamburg: Baar-Verlag, 379-390.
Dunkel, George E (2022). Testing the Anukramani. In: Scharf, Peter. Sabdanugamah: Indian Linguistic Studies in Honor of George Cardona; Volume 2: Vedic, Indo-European and Other Linguistic Studies. Providence: Sanskrit Library, 241-257.
Cathcart, Chundra; Wandl, Florian (2020). In search of isoglosses: continuous and discrete language embeddings in Slavic historical phonology. In: Nicolai, Garrett; Gorman, Kyle; Cotterell, Ryan. Proceedings of the 17th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology. Association for Computational Linguistics: Association for Computational Linguistics, 233-244.
Stoll, Sabine (2020). Sampling linguistic diversity to understand language development. In: Rowland, Caroline; Twomey, Katherine E; Ambridge, Ben; Theakston, Anna. Current Perspectives on Child Language Acquisition. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 247-263.
Townsend, Simon W; Watson, Stuart K; Slocombe, Katie E (2020). Flexibility in Great Ape Vocal Production. In: Hopper, Lydia M; Ross, Stephen R. Chimpanzees in Context. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 260-280.
Stoll, Sabine; Schikowski, Robert (2020). Child-language corpora. In: Paquot, Magali; Gries, Stefan. A Practical Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. Cham: Springer, 305-329.
Dunkel, George E (2020). A familiolectal eye on some Rigvedic modes. In: Oettinger, Norbert; Schaffner, Stefan; Steer, Thomas. "Denken Sie einfach!" Gedenkschrift für Karl Hoffmann (MSB 30). Dettelbach: Verlag J.H. Röll, 19-32.
Scarlata, Salvatore; Widmer, Paul (2020). Rigvedische Komposita in der rekursiven Satzverknüpfung. In: Fritz, Matthias; Kitazumi, Tomoki; Veksina, Marina. Maiores philologiae pontes : Festschrift für Michael Meier-Brügger zum 70. Geburtstag. New York: Beech Stave Press, 224-235.
Bickel, Balthasar (2020). Large and ancient linguistic areas. In: Crevels, Mily; Musyken, Pieter. Language dispersal, diversification, and contact : a global perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 78 - 101.
Bickel, Balthasar; Nichols, Johanna (2020). Linguistic Typology and Hunter-Gatherer Languages. In: Güldemann, Tom; McConvell, Patrick; Rhodes, Richard. The Language of Hunter-Gatherers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 67-75.
Moran, Steven (2019). Phonological inventories. In: Aronoff, Mark. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. linguistics.oxfordre.com/: Oxford University Press, online.
Gardani, Francesco; Rainer, Franz; Luschützky, Hans Christian (2019). Competition in Morphology: a historical outline. In: Rainer, Franz; Gardani, Francesco; Dressler, Wolfgang U.; Luschützky, Hans Christian. Competition in Inflection and Word-Formation. Cham, 3-36.
Cathcart, Chundra (2019). Toward a deep dialectological representation of Indo-Aryan. In: Zampieri, Marcos. Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Association for Computational Linguistics, 110-119.
Kabatek, Johannes (2019). Prólogo. In: Matus Olivier, Alfredo; Samaniego Aldazábal, José Luis. Competencia lingüística y criterios de corrección. Eugenio Coseriu. Sevilla: Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 15-18.
Kabatek, Johannes (2019). Alexander von Humboldt: Sprache und Welt. In: Lubrich, Oliver; Nerlich, Thomas. Alexander von Humboldt: Sämtliche Schriften (Studienausgabe). Bd. 10: Durchquerungen. München: dtv, 513-533.
Kabatek, Johannes (2019). Language and regionalism. In: Núñez Xeixas, Xosé M.; Storm, Eric. Regionalism and Modern Europe: Identity Construction and Movements from 1890 to the Present Day. New York, 25-42.
Völlmin, Sascha (2019). The quotative marker in Gilaki. In: Korangy, Alireza; Mahmoodi-Bakhtiari, Behrooz. Essays on Typology of Iranian Languages. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 133-148.
Blasi, Damian; Cotterell, Ryan; Wolf-Sonkin, Lawrence; Stoll, Sabine; Bickel, Balthasar; Baroni, Marco (2019). On the Distribution of Deep Clausal Embeddings: A Large Cross-linguistic Study. In: Korhonen, Anna; Traum, David; Màrquez, Lluís. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Florence: Association for Computational Linguistics, 3938-3943.
Jenny, Mathias (2019). Thai. In: Vittrant, Alice; Watkins, Justin. The Mainland Southeast Asia Linguistic Area. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 559-608.
Jenny, Mathias (2019). Mon. In: Vittrant, Alice; Watkins, Justin. The Mainland Southeast Asia Linguistic Area. Berlin: De Gruyter, 277-319.
Ring, Hiram; Rau, Felix (2018). Introduction to Special Issue: Papers from ICAAL7. In: Ring, Hiram; Rau, Felix. Papers from the Seventh International Conference on Austroasiatic Linguistics. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i at Manoa, iv-v.
Widmer, Paul (2018). Ditransitive constructions in Tocharian. In: Korn, Agnes; Malchukov, Andrej. Ditransitive Constructions in a Cross-linguistic Perspective. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 49-62.
McNew, Garland; Derungs, Curdin; Moran, Steven (2018). Towards faithfully visualizing global linguistic diversity. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018). Paris, France: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 805-809.
Marsico, Egidio; Flavier, Sebastien; Verkerk, Annemarie; Moran, Steven (2018). BDPROTO: A Database of Phonological Inventories from Ancient and Reconstructed Languages. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018). Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 1654-1658.
Moran, Steven; Pajović, Danica; Stoll, Sabine (2018). Cross-linguistically Small World Networks are Ubiquitous in Child-directed Speech. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018). Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 4100-4105.
Loporcaro, Michele; Kägi, Nadja; Gardani, Francesco (2018). Morfomi sommersi in Pantesco o dell’arte di arrangiarsi in morfologia. In: Chilà, Annamaria; De Angelis, Alessandro. Capitoli di morfosintassi delle varietà romanze d'Italia : teoria e dati empirici. Palermo: Centro di studi filologici e linguistici siciliani, 273-305.
Moran, Steven; Verkerk, Annemarie (2018). Differential rates of change in consonant and vowel systems. In: Cuskley, C; Flaherty, M; Little, H; McCrohon, Luke; Ravignani, A; Verhoef, T. The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference (EVOLANGXII). April 16--19, Toruń, Poland. Toruń, Poland: Cognitive Linguistics ICLA, 322-325.
Stoll, Sabine; Mazara, Jekatarina; Bickel, Balthasar (2017). The acquisition of polysynthetic verb forms in Chintang. In: Fortescue, Michael D; Mithun, Marianne; Evans, Nicholas. The Oxford Handbook of Polysynthesis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 495 - 514.
Bickel, Balthasar (2017). Areas and universals. In: Hickey, Raymond. The Cambridge handbook of areal linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 40-55.
Jenny, Mathias (2017). Foreign influence in the Burmese language. In: Rattanapitak, Ampika. A collection of papers on Myanmar language and literature. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Myanmar Center, Chiang Mai University, 1-34.
Gardani, Francesco (2017). Business negotiations. In: Mautner, Gerlinde; Rainer, Franz. Handbook of business communication: Linguistic approaches. Boston & Berlin: De Gruyter, 91-109.
Widmer, Paul; Scarlata, Salvatore (2017). Good to go: RV suprayāṇá-. In: Sandgaard Hansen, Bjarne. Usque ad Radices: Indo-European Studies in Honour of Birgit Anette Olsen. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 801-814.
Bickel, Balthasar (2017). Belhare. In: Thurgood, Graham; LaPolla, Randy J. The Sino-Tibetan Languages (2nd, revised edition). London: Taylor & Francis, 546-570.
Schnabel, Sonja (2016). The two faces of Saint Barbara. In: Harlos, Axel; Harlos, Neele. Adapting texts and styles in a celtic context. Münster: Nodus Publikationen - Klaus D Dutz Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 237-243.
Sommer, Florian; Widmer, Paul (2016). Wie heiß ist Hethitisch?.In: Marquardt, Henning; Reichmuth, Silvio; García Trabazo, José Virgilio. Anatolica et indogermanica. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen, 301-313.
Gardani, Francesco (2016). Allogenous exaptation. In: Norde, Muriel; Van de Velde, Freek. Exaptation and Language Change. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 227-260.
Dunkel, George E (2016). Proto-Aryan *striH- and PIE *sor- 'female, woman'. In: Gunkel, Dieter; Katz, Joshua; Vine, Brent; Weiss, Michael. Sahasram ati srajas: Indo-European and Indo-Iranian Studies in Honor of Stephanie W. Jamison. Ann Arbor: Beech Stave Press, 36-45.
Schmid, Stephan (2016). Segmental phonology. In: Ledgeway, Adam; Maiden, Martin. The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 471-483.
Detey, Sylvain; Lyche, Chantal; Racine, Isabelle; Schwab, Sandra; Le Gac, David (2016). The notion of norm in spoken French: production and perception. In: Detey, Sylvain; Durand, Jacques; Laks, Bernard; Lyche, Chantal. Varieties of Spoken French. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 55-67.
Maffia, Marta; Pellegrino, Elisa (2016). Le emozioni nel parlato doppiato: uno studio cross-linguistico. In: Bardel, Camilla; De Meo, Anna. Parler les langues romanes/Parlare le lingue romanze/Hablar las lenguas romances/Falando línguas românicas. Naples: Il Torcoliere, 111-126.
Van Gijn, Rik (2016). Switch reference in Western South America. In: Van Gijn, Rik; Hammond, Jeremy. Switch reference 2.0. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 153-205.
Van Gijn, Rik (2016). Switch reference: an overview. In: Van Gijn, Rik; Hammond, Jeremy. Switch reference 2.0. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 1-53.
De Meo, Anna; Vitale, Marilisa; Pellegrino, Elisa (2016). Tecnologia della voce e miglioramento della pronuncia. In: Bianchi, Francesca; Leone, Paola. Linguaggio e apprendimento linguistico : Metodi e strumenti tecnologici. Milano: Officinaventuno, 13-25.
Caruso, Valeria; Pellegrino, Elisa (2016). Io, sorda, in Italia. In: De Meo, Anna. L’italiano per i nuovi italiani: una lingua per la cittadinanza. Naples: Il Torcoliere, 53-79.
Schmid, Stephan; Wachter, Sarah (2015). Le ostruenti sonore nella pronuncia dell’italiano di apprendenti svizzero-tedeschi. In: Vayra, Mario; Avesani, Cinzia; Tamburini, Fabio. Il farsi e disfarsi del linguaggio. Acquisizione, mutamento e destrutturazione della struttura sonora del linguaggio/Language acquisition and language loss. Acquisition, change and disorders of the language sound structure. Milano: Officinaventuno Milano, 203-217.
Paciaroni, Tania (2015). Dialecte et italien standard à Macerata. Du côté du locuteur. In: Léonard, Jean Léo; Avilés Gonzáles, Karla Janiré. Documentation et revitalisation des « langues en danger ». Épistémologie et praxis. Paris: Michel Houdiard Éditeur, 327-369.
Fleischer, Jürg; Rieken, Elisabeth; Widmer, Paul (2015). Introduction: the diachrony of agreement. In: Fleischer, Jürg; Rieken, Elisabeth; Widmer, Paul. Agreement from a Diachronic Perspective. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1-26.
Kalmanovitch, Yshai (2015). The role of longterm acquaintances in speech accomodation. In: Leemann, Adrian; Kolly, Marie-José; Schmid, Stephan; Dellwo, Volker. Trends in Phonetics and Phonology: Studies from German speaking Europe. Bern: Peter Lang, 93-105.
Dimos, Kostis; Dick, Leopold; Dellwo, Volker (2015). Use of speech and prosody in Composed Theatre. In: Leemann, Adrian; Kolly, Marie-José; Schmid, Stephan; Dellwo, Volker. Trends in Phonetics and Phonology: Studies from German speaking Europe. Bern: Peter Lang, 379-391.
Leemann, Adrian; Kolly, Marie-José; Schmid, Stephan; Dellwo, Volker (2015). Introduction. In: Leemann, Adrian; Kolly, Marie-José; Schmid, Stephan; Dellwo, Volker. Trends in Phonetics and Phonology: Studies from German speaking Europe. Bern: Peter Lang, 9-17.
Hove, Ingrid; Leemann, Adrian; Kolly, Marie-José; Dellwo, Volker; Goldman, Jean-Philippe; Almajai, Ibrahim; Wanitsch, Daniel (2015). Voice Äpp: "My voice - my dialect". In: Leemann, Adrian; Kolly, Marie-José; Schmid, Stephan; Dellwo, Volker. Trends in Phonetics and Phonology: Studies from German speaking Europe. Bern: Peter Lang, 287-302.
Christen, Helen; Hove, Ingrid; Petkova, Marina (2015). Gesprochene Standardsprache im Deutschschweizer Alltag. In: Kehrein, Roland; Lameli, Alfred; Rabanus, Stefan. Regionale Variation des Deutschen. Projekte und Perspektiven. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 379-396.
Schikowski, Robert; Bickel, Balthasar; Paudyal, Netra P (2015). Flexible valency in Chintang. In: Malchukov, Andrej; Comrie, Bernard. Valency Classes in the World's Languages. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter, 669-708.
Van Gijn, Rik (2015). Evaluative morphology in Yurakaré. In: Grandi, N; Körtvelyessy, L. The Handbook of Evaluative Morphology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 643-650.
Widmer, Paul; Fischer, Christina (2015). Zu Le Pelletiers Vorlage des Buhez Sant Gwenole. In: Oudaer, Guillaume; Hily, Gael; Le Bihan, Herve. Mélanges en l’honneur de Pierre-Yves Lambert. Lannion: Travaux d'Investigation et de Recherche, 47-51.
Birchall, Joshua; Danielsen, Swintha; Eriksen, Love; Galucio, Ana Vilacy; Van Gijn, Rik; Hammarström, Harald; Van de Kerke, Simon; Kolipakam, Vishnupraya; Krasnoukhova, Olga; Müller, Neele; O'Connor, Loretta (2014). The languages of South America: deep families, areal relationships, and language contact. In: O'Connor, Loretta; Muysken, Pieter. The Native Languages of South America. Origins, Development, Typology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 299-322.
Van Gijn, Rik (2014). Subordination strategies in South America: Nominalization. In: O'Connor, Loretta; Muysken, Pieter. The Native Languages of South America. Origins, Development, Typology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 274-296.
Van Gijn, Rik (2014). The Andean foothills and adjacent Amazonian fringe. In: O'Connor, Loretta; Muysken, Pieter. The Native Languages of South America. Origins, Development, Typology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 102-125.
Van Gijn, Rik (2014). Repeated dependent clauses in Yurakaré. In: Van Gijn, Rik; Hammond, Jeremy; Matić, Dejan; Van Putten, Saskia; Galucio, Ana Vilacy. Information structure and reference tracking in complex sentences. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co., 291-308.
Matić, Dejan; Van Gijn, Rik; Van Valin Jr, Robert D (2014). Information structure and reference tracking in complex sentences: an overview. In: Van Gijn, Rik; Hammond, Jeremy; Matić, Dejan; Van Putten, Saskia; Galucio, Ana Vilacy. Information structure and reference tracking in complex sentences. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co., 1-41.
Goldman, Jean-Philippe; Schwab, Sandra (2014). Easyalign Spanish: An (Semi-)Automatic Segmentation Tool Under Praat. In: Congosto Martín, Y; Montero Curiel, M L; Salvador Plans, A. Fonética Experimental, Educación Superior e Investigación. Madrid: GoDaddy Iberia S.L.U, 629-640.
Sommer, Florian (2014). Avestisch viš. In: Oettinger, Norbert; Steer, Thomas. Das Nomen im Indogermanischen Morphologie, Substantiv versus Adjektiv, Kollektivum. Akten der Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 14. bis 16. September 2011 in Erlangen. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 384-396.
Widmer, Paul (2014). Agreement. In: Giannakis, Georgios. Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill, 73-76.
Muysken, Pieter; Hammarström, Harald; Birchall, Joshua; Van Gijn, Rik; Krasnoukhova, Olga; Müller, Neele (2014). Linguistic areas: bottom-up or top-down? The case of the Guaporé-Mamoré. In: Comrie, Bernard; Golluscio, Lucia. Language Contact and Documentation / Contacto lingüístico y documentación. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 205-238.
Dunkel, George E (2014). Greek Priapos, Latin sopio, Vedic sapa-: Wörter und Sachen. In: Melchert, H Craig; Rieken, Elisabeth; Steer, Thomas. Munus Amicitiae, Festschrift für Norbert Oettinger. Ann Arbor • New York: Beech Stave Press, 1-12.
Jenny, Mathias; Weber, Tobias; Weymuth, Rachel (2014). The Austroasiatic Languages: A Typological Overview. In: Jenny, Mathias; Sidwell, Paul. The Handbook of Austroasiatic Languages. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 13-143.
Jenny, Mathias (2014). Modern Mon. In: Jenny, Mathias. The Handbook of Austroasiatic Languages. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 553-600.
Jenny, Mathias; McCormick, Patrick (2014). Old Mon. In: Jenny, Mathias; Sidwell, Paul. The Handbook of Austroasiatic Languages. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 517-552.
Van Gijn, Rik (2014). Reduplication in Yurakaré. In: Danielsen, Swintha; Hannss, Katja; Zúñiga, F. Word formation in South American languages. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 143-161.
Bickel, Balthasar (2014). Linguistic diversity and universals. In: Enfield, N J; Kockelman, Paul; Sidnell, Jack. The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 101-124.
Maurer, Philippe (2013). Papiamentu. In: Michaelis, Susanne Maria; Maurer, Philippe; Haspelmath, Martin; Huber, Magnus. The survey of Pidgin and Creole languages. Volume 2: Portuguese-based, Spanish-based, and French-based languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 163-181.
Maurer, Philippe (2013). Batavia Creole. In: Michaelis, Susanne Maria; Maurer, Philippe; Haspelmath, Martin; Huber, Magnus. The survey of Pidgin and Creole languages. Volume 2: Portuguese-based, Spanish-based, and French-based languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 131-139.
Maurer, Philippe (2013). Principense. In: Michaelis, Susanne Maria; Maurer, Philippe; Haspelmath, Martin; Huber, Magnus. The survey of Pidgin and Creole languages. Volume 2: Portuguese-based, Spanish-based, and French-based languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 72-80.
Maurer, Philippe (2013). Angolar. In: Michaelis, Susanne Maria; Maurer, Philippe; Haspelmath, Martin; Huber, Magnus. The survey of Pidgin and Creole languages. Volume 2: Portuguese-based, Spanish-based, and French-based languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 59-71.
Stoll, Sabine; Lieven, Elena (2013). Studying language acquisition crosslinguistically. In: Winskel, Heather. Handbook of South and Southeast Asian psycholinguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19-36.
Stoll, Sabine; Bickel, Balthasar (2013). Capturing diversity in language acquisition research. In: Bickel, Balthasar; Grenoble, Lenore A; Peterson, David A; Timberlake, Alan. Language Typology and Historical Contingency. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co., 195 - 216.
Bickel, Balthasar (2013). Distributional biases in language families. In: Bickel, Balthasar; Grenoble, Lenore A; Peterson, David A; Timberlake, Alan. Language typology and historical contingency. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co., 415-444.
Stoll, Sabine; Bickel, Balthasar (2013). The acquisition of ergative case in Chintang. In: Stoll, Sabine; Bavin, Edith. The acquisition of ergativity. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 183-207.
Gaenszle, Martin; Rai, Ichchha Purna; Pettigrew, Judith; Rai, Manoj; Bickel, Balthasar; Banjade, Goma; Bhatta, Toya Nath; Lieven, Elena; Paudyal, Netra P; Stoll, Sabine (2013). Resisting the state in East Nepal: the `Chintang incident' of 1979 and the politics of commemoration. In: Lecomte-Tilouine, Marie. Revolution in Nepal: an anthropological and historical approach to the People's War. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 97 - 113.
Bickel, Balthasar; Iemmolo, Giorgio; Zakharko, Taras; Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena (2013). Patterns of alignment in verb agreement. In: Bakker, Dik; Haspelmath, Martin. Languages across boundaries : Studies in memory of Anna Siewierska. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 15-36.
Widmer, Paul (2012). Notiz zur holokinetischen Ablautklasse. In: Nielsen Whitehead, Benedicte; Olander, Thomas; Olsen, Birgit; Rasmussen, Jens. The Sound of Indo-European. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 607-612.
Moran, Steven (2012). Using linked data to create a typological knowledge base. In: Chiarcos, Christian; Nordhoff, Sebastian; Hellmann, Sebastian. Data in Linguistics: Representing and Connecting Language Data and Language Metadata. Heidelberg: Springer, 129-138.
Dellwo, Volker; Friedrichs, Daniel (2012). Variability of speech rhythm in synchronous speech. In: Ma, Qiuwu; Ding, Hongwei; Hirst, Daniel. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Speech Prosody. Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 539-542.
Wujastyk, Dagmar (2012). Bioethics. In: Jacobsen, Knut A; Basu, Helene; Malinar, Angelika; Narayanan, Vasudha. Brill's encyclopedia of Hinduism / Vol. 4 : Historical perspectives; poets, teachers, and saints; relation to other religions and traditions; Hinduism and contemporary issues. Leiden: Brill, 633-640.
Zúñiga, Fernando (2012). Language description and linguistic typology. In: Ender, Andrea; Leemann, Adrian; Wälchli, B. Methods in contemporary linguistics. Berlin: De Gruyter, 171-193.
Zehnder, Thomas (2012). Vriddhiableitungen von Adverbien. In: Sadovski, Velizar; Stifter, David. Iranistische und Indogermanistische Beiträge in memoriam Jochem Schindler. Wien: Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 461-474.
Stüber, Karin (2012). Eine fragmentarische gallische Inschrift aus Augusta Raurica. In: Anreiter, Peter; Bánffy, Eszter; Bartosiewicz, László; Meid, Wolfgang; Metzner-Nebelsick, Carola. Archaeological, Cultural and Linguistic Heritage: Festschrift Fur Elisabeth Jerem in Honour of Her 70th Birthday. Budapest: Archaeolingua, 569-574.
Van Gijn, Rik (2011). Multi-verb constructions in Yurakaré. In: Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y; Muysken, Pieter. Multi-verb constructions: A view from the Americas. Leiden: Brill, 255-282.
Van Gijn, Rik; Haude, Katharina; Muysken, Pieter (2011). Subordination in South America: an overview. In: Van Gijn, Rik; Haude, Katharina; Muysken, Pieter. Subordination in native South American languages. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 1-24.
Moran, Steven (2011). An ontology for accessing transcription systems. In: De Pauw, Guy; Pretorius, Laurette; de Schryver, Gilles-Maurice; Levin, Lori. Language Resources & Evaluation: Special Issue on African Language Technology. Heidelberg: LREC, 345-360.
Leemann, Adrian (2011). Dialektale Intonation des Schweizerdeutschen. In: Glaser, Elvira; Schmidt, Jürgen Erich; Frey, Natascha. Dynamik des Dialekts - Wandel und Variation. Akten des 3. Kongresses der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD). Stuttgart: Steiner, 185-206.
Strässler, Jürg (2011). Pros and Cons of Vocabulary Teaching and Testing. In: Kürschner, Wilfried; Rapp, Reinhard; Strässler, Jürg; Vliegen, Maurice; Weber, Heinrich. Neue Linguistische Perspektiven. Festschrift für Abraham P. ten Cate. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 307-315.
Jenny, Mathias (2011). Burmese in Mon syntax: external influence and internal development. In: Srichampa, Sophana; Sidwell, Paul; Gregerson, Kenneth. Austroasiatic Studies: papers from ICAAL 4. Dallas, Salaya, Canberra: SIL International. Mahidol University, Pacific Linguistics, 48-64.
Zehnder, Thomas (2011). Zur Funktion der Infinitive im Veda. In: Krisch, Thomas; Lindner, Thomas. Indogermanistik und Linguistik im Dialog. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 622-631.
Malinar, Angelika (2011). Yoga Powers in the Mahābhārata. In: Jacobsen, Knut A. Yoga Powers: Extraordinary Capacities Attained Through Meditation and Concentration. Leiden: Brill, 33-60.
Malinar, Angelika (2011). Vier Veden und der "fünfte Veda": Über Kanonbildung im Hinduismus. In: Kollmar-Paulenz, Karénina; Linder, Nikolaus; Luminati, Michele; Müller, Wolfgang W; Rudolph, Enno. Kanon und Kanonisierung: Ein Schlüsselbegriff der Kulturwissenschaften im interdisziplinären Dialog. Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 182-211.
Jenny, Mathias (2011). The story of Prince Sangada: a mon legend in Southeast Asian context. In: McCormick, Patrick; Jenny, Mathias; Baker, Chris. The Mon over two millennia. Monuments, Manuscripts, Movements. Bangkok: Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, 147-167.
Bickel, Balthasar (2011). Absolute and statistical universals. In: Hogan, Patrick Colm. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 77-79.
Bickel, Balthasar (2011). Grammatical relations typology. In: Song, Jae Jung. The Oxford Handbook of Language Typology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 399 - 444.
White, Laurence; Liss, Julie; Dellwo, Volker (2010). Assessment of rhythm. In: Lowit, Anja; Kent, Raymond D. Assessment of Motor Speech Disorders. San Diego: Plural Publishing, 231-251.
Rieken, Elisabeth; Widmer, Paul (2010). Spaltsatzphänomene im Hethitischen. In: Kim, Ronald; Oettinger, Norbert; Rieken, Elisabeth. Ex Anatolia Lux. Ann Arbor: Beech Stave, 321-329.
Bickel, Balthasar; Rai, Manoj; Paudyal, Netra P; Banjade, Goma; Bhatta, Toya Nath; Gaenszle, Martin; Lieven, Elena; Rai, Ichchha Purna; Rai, Novel Kishore; Stoll, Sabine (2010). The syntax of three-argument verbs in Chintang and Belhare (Southeastern Kiranti). In: Malchukov, Andrej; Haspelmath, Martin; Comrie, Bernard. Studies in ditransitive constructions: a comparative handbook. Berlin: De Gruyter, 382-408.
Lieven, Elena; Stoll, Sabine (2010). Language. In: Bornstein, Marc. Handbook of cultural developmental science. New York, London: Psychology Press, 143-160.
Zaugg-Coretti, Silvia (2010). Switch-reference in Yemsa (Omotic, Ethiopia). In: Völlmin, Sascha; Amha, Azeb; Rapold, Christian J; Zaugg-Coretti, Silvia. Converbs, Medial Verbs, Clause Chaining and Related Issues. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 141-162.
Völlmin, Sascha (2010). The so-called converbs in Gumer (Gurage). In: Völlmin, Sascha; Amha, Azeb; Rapold, Christian J; Zaugg-Coretti, Silvia. Converbs, Medial Verbs, Clause Chaining and Related Issues. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 81-97.
Dunkel, George E (2010). The IE s-aorist as an athematic denominative. In: Kim, Ronald; Oettinger, Norbert; Rieken, Elisabeth; Weiss, Michael. Ex Anatolia Lux. Ann Arbor: Beech Stave Press, 19-26.
Schreiner, Peter (2010). How to Come out of Samadhi?.In: Bigger, Andreas; Krajnc, Rita; Mertens, Annemarie; Schüpbach, Markus; Wessler, Heinz Werner. Release from Life - Release in Life. Indian Perspectives on Individual Liberation. Bern: Peter Lang, 197-210.
Schmid, Stephan (2010). Les occlusives palatales du Vallader. In: Iliescu, M; Siller-Runggaldier, H; Danler, P. Actes du XXVe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes. Tome II. Berlin - New York: De Gruyter, 185-194.
Schmid, Stephan (2010). Symbol- und Signalphonetik. Zur linguistischen Relevanz akustischer Messungen. In: Galliker, E; Kleinert, A. Messen in der Linguistik : Beiträge zu den 5. Tagen der Schweizer Linguistik, 20. bis 21. Novemeber 2008 am Departement Angewandte Linguistik der ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Winterthur. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag, 71-86.
Schmid, Stephan (2010). Voiced obstruents in L2 French: the case of Swiss German learners. In: Dziubalska-Kolaczyk, K; Wrembel, M; Kul, M. New Sounds 2010 - Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech. Poznan: s.n., 403-408.
Cangemi, Francesco; Delucchi, Rachele; Loporcaro, Michele; Schmid, Stephan (2010). Vocalismo finale atono “toscano“ nei dialetti del Vallo di Diano (Salerno). In: Cutugno, Francesco; Maturi, Pietro; Savy, Renata; Abete, Giovanni; Alfano, Iolanda. Parlare con le persone, parlare alle macchine. Torriana: EDK, 477-490.
Hove, Ingrid (2010). Silbensprachliches in der schweizerischen Standardsprache. In: Christen, Helen. Alemannische Dialektologie: Wege in die Zukunft. Beiträge zur 16. Arbeitstagung für alemannische Dialektologie in Freiburg / Fribourg vom 07.-10.09.2008. Stuttgart: Steiner, 31-42.
Jenny, Mathias (2010). Benefactive strategies in Thai. In: Zúñiga, Fernando; Kittilä, Seppo. Benefactives and malefactives: typological perspectives and case studies. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 377-392.
Völlmin, Sascha (2010). Benefactives and malefactives in Gumer (Gurage). In: Zúñiga, Fernando; Kittilä, Seppo. Benefactives and malefactives: typological perspectives and case studies. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 317-330.
Van Gijn, Rik; Gipper, Sonja (2009). Irrealis in Yurakaré - a comparative perspective. In: Hogeweg, Lotte; De Hoop, Helen; Malchukov, Andrej. The cross-linguistic semantics of tense, aspect and modality. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 155-178.
Litscher, Roland (2009). Die Genese des dritten Genus: ein neuer Versuch. In: Lühr, Rosemarie; Ziegler, Sabine. Protolanguage and Prehistory: Akten der XII. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, vom 11. bis 15. Oktober 2004 in Krakau. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 271-285.
Stoll, Sabine; Bickel, Balthasar (2009). How deep are differences in referential density?.In: Guo, Jiansheng; Lieven, Elena; Budwig, Nancy; Ervin-Tripp, Susan; Nakamura, Keiko; Özçalişkan, Şeyda. Crosslinguistic approaches to the psychology of language: research in the traditions of Dan Slobin. London: Psychology Press, 543-555.
Bickel, Balthasar; Nichols, Johanna (2009). The geography of case. In: Malchukov, Andrej; Spencer, Andrew. The Oxford Handbook of Case. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 479-493.
Bickel, Balthasar; Nichols, Johanna (2009). Case marking and alignment. In: Malchukov, Andrej; Spencer, Andrew. The Oxford Handbook of Case. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 304-321.
Rai, Ichchha Purna; Bickel, Balthasar; Lieven, Elena; Banjade, Goma; Gaenszle, Martin; Rai, Manoj; Paudyal, Netra P; Rai, Novel Kishore; Stoll, Sabine; Bhatta, Toya Nath (2009). Mundum: a case study of Chintang ritual language. In: Mukherjee, Rila; Rajesh, M N. Locality, History, Memory: The Making of the Citizen in South Asia. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 20-33.
Stüber, Karin (2009). Effects of language contact on Roman and Gaulish personal names. In: Zimmer, Stefan. Kelten am Rhein. Akten des dreizehnten Internationalen Keltologiekongresses. Zweiter Teil: Philologie. Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 291-297.
Malinar, Angelika (2009). Fakirmohan Senapati. In: Arnold, Heinz Ludwig. Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 368-369.
Malinar, Angelika (2009). Brajanatha Barajena. In: Arnold, Heinz Ludwig. Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 98-99.
Strässler, Jürg (2009). Transformational-Generative Grammar. In: Chapman, Siobhan; Routledge, Christopher. Key ideas in linguistics and the philosophy of language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 232-238.
Strässler, Jürg (2009). Propositions. In: Chapman, Siobhan; Routledge, Christopher. Key ideas in linguistics and the philosophy of language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 185-186.
Strässler, Jürg (2009). Mentalism. In: Chapman, Siobhan; Routledge, Christopher. Key ideas in linguistics and the philosophy of language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 130-131.
Hove, Ingrid; Haas, Walter (2009). Die Standardaussprache in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz. In: Krech, Eva-Maria; Stock, Eberhard; Hirschfeld, Ursula; Anders, Lutz Christian. Deutsches Aussprachewörterbuch. Berlin: de Gruyter, 259-277.
Dunkel, George E (2009). Slavic chips from an Aptotologists's Workshop. In: Berger, Tilman; Giger, Markus; Kurt, Sibylle; Mendoza, Imke. Von grammatischen Kategorien und sprachlichen Weltbildern: Festschrift für Daniel Weiss zum 60. Geburtstag. München: Sagner, 137-147.
Schmid, Stephan (2009). Mescolanza di lingue e lingue miste. In: Moretti, B; Pandolfi, E M; Casoni, M. Linguisti in contatto. Bellinzona: Osservatorio linguistico della Svizzera italiana, 133-149.
Malinar, Angelika (2009). Upendra Bhanja. In: Arnold, Heinz Ludwig. Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 450-451.
Malinar, Angelika (2009). Bhima Bhoi. In: Arnold, Heinz Ludwig. Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 461-462.
Dunkel, George E (2008). Luvian -TAR and homeric Τ' ἌΡ. In: Lubotsky, Alexander; Schaeken, Jos; Wiedenhof, Jeroen. Evidence and Counter-Evidence. Essays in Honour of Frederik Kortlandt. Volume 1: Balto-Slavic and Indo-European Linguistics. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 137-149.
Widmer, Paul (2008). Drei griechische *ōu̯-Stämme. In: Huber, Brigitte; Volkart, Marianne; Widmer, Paul. Chomolangma, Demawend und Kasbek. Festschrift für Roland Bielmeier zum 65. Geburtstag. Halle: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, 615-630.
Locher, Miriam A; Strässler, Jürg (2008). Introduction: Standards and norms. In: Locher, Miriam A; Strässler, Jürg. Standards and Norms in the English Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1-20.
Strässler, Jürg (2008). Can academic writing style be taught?.In: Locher, Miriam A; Strässler, Jürg. Standards and Norms in the English Language. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 281-300.
Hove, Ingrid (2008). Zur Unterscheidung des Schweizerdeutschen und der (schweizerischen) Standardsprache. In: Christen, Helen; Ziegler, Evelyn. Sprechen, Schreiben, Hören: Zur Produktion und Perzeption von Dialekt und Standardsprache zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Beiträge zum 2. Kongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen, Wien, 20.-23. September 2006. Wien: Praesens, 63-82.
Hove, Ingrid (2008). Gesprochene Standardsprache im Deutschschweizer Alltag. Erste Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojektes. In: Christen, Helen; Ziegler, Evelyn. Sprechen, Schreiben, Hören: Zur Produktion und Perzeption von Dialekt und Standardsprache zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Beiträge zum 2. Kongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen, Wien, 20.-23. September 2006. Wien: Praesens, 83-100.
Nocchi, Nadia; Schmid, Stephan (2008). Aspetti della lenizione in alcune varietà dell'italiano meridionale. In: Pettorino, Massimo; Giannini, Antonella; Vallone, Marianna; Savy, Renata. La comunicazione parlata. Atti del congresso internazionale. Napoli, 23-25 febbraio 2006. Napoli: Liguori, 109-136.
Schmid, Stephan (2008). Formas de contacto entre el español y el italiano. In: Döhla, H J; Montero Muñoz, R; Báez de Aguilar González, F. Lenguas en diálogo. El iberorromance y su diversidad lingüística y literaria. Ensayos en homenaje a Georg Bossong. Madrid, Frankfurt: Iberoamericana, Vervuert, 313-331.
Zaugg-Coretti, Silvia (2008). Converbs in Yemsa. In: Ebert, Karen H; et al; Suter, Rafael. From Siberia to Ethiopia: Converbs in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Zürich: ASAS, 221-255.
Ebert, Karen H (2008). Converbs in Kiranti languages. In: Ebert, Karen H; et al; Suter, Rafael. From Siberia to Ethiopia: Converbs in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Zürich: ASAS, 63-89.
Ebert, Karen H (2008). Forms and functions of converbs. In: Ebert, Karen H; et al; Suter, Rafael. From Siberia to Ethiopia: Converbs in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Zürich, Switzerland: ASAS, 7-33.
Litscher, Roland (2007). Κρέας, kravíḥ and the original nom.-acc. sg. of the IE s-stem neuters. In: George, Coulter; McCullagh, Matthew; Nielsen, Benedicte; Ruppel, Antonia; Tribulato, Olga. Greek and Latin from an Indo-European Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 107-120.
Bickel, Balthasar; Nichols, Johanna (2007). Inflectional morphology. In: Shopen, Timothy. Language typology and syntactic description (revised Second Edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 169-240.
Bickel, Balthasar (2006). Clause-level vs. predicate-level linking. In: Bornkessel, Ina; Schlesewsky, Matthias; Comrie, Bernard; Friederici, Angela D. Semantic role universals and argument linking: theoretical, typological and psycholinguistic perspectives. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 155 - 190.
Loporcaro, Michele; Delucchi, Rachele; Nocchi, Nadia; Paciaroni, Tania; Schmid, Stephan (2006). Schwa finali sull’Appennino emiliano: il vocalismo del dialetto di Piandelagotti. In: Giordani, Veronica; Bruseghini, Valentina; Cosi, Piero. Scienze vocali e del linguaggio. Metodologie di valutazione e risorse linguistiche. Torriana: EDK Editore, 57-76.
Nocchi, Nadia; Schmid, Stephan (2006). Le consonanti labiodentali dello svizzero tedesco. In: Savy, Renata; Crocco, Claudia. Analisi prosodica. Teorie, modelli e sistemi di annotazione. Torriana: EDK Editore, 518-537.
Loporcaro, Michele; Delucchi, Rachele; Nocchi, Nadia; Paciaroni, Tania; Schmid, Stephan (2006). La durata consonantica nel dialetto di Lizzano in Belvedere (Bologna). In: Savy, Renata; Crocco, Claudia. Analisi prosodica. Teorie, modelli e sistemi di annotazione. Torriana: EDK Editore, 491-517.
Meylan, Nicolas; Widmer, Paul (2005). Slipping en vieil islandais. In: Schwyter, Jürg Rainer; Poppe, Erich; Onillon, Sandrine. Le slipping dans les langues médiévales. Lausanne: Institut de Linguistique et des Sciences du Language, 105-118.
Bickel, Balthasar; Nichols, Johanna (2005). Exponence of selected inflectional formatives. In: Haspelmath, Martin; Dryer, Matthew S; Gil, David; Comrie, Bernard. The world atlas of language structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 90-93.
Bickel, Balthasar; Nichols, Johanna (2005). Fusion of selected inflectional formatives. In: Haspelmath, Martin; Dryer, Matthew S; Gil, David; Comrie, Bernard. The world atlas of language structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 86-89.
Bickel, Balthasar; Nichols, Johanna (2005). Inflectional synthesis of the verb. In: Haspelmath, Martin; Dryer, Matthew S; Gil, David; Comrie, Bernard. The world atlas of language structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 94-97.
Sharma (Gautam), Narayan P; Bickel, Balthasar; Gaenszle, Martin; Rai, Arjun; Rai, Vishnu S (2005). Personal and possessive pronouns in Puma (Southern Kiranti). In: Yadava, Yogendra P; Bhattarai, Govinda; Lohani, Ram Raj; Prasain, Balaram; Parajuli, Krishna. Contemporary issues in Nepalese linguistics. Kathmandu: Linguistic Society of Nepal, 225-233.
Nichols, Johanna; Bickel, Balthasar (2005). Possessive classification and obligatory possessive inflection. In: Haspelmath, Martin; Dryer, Matthew S; Gil, David; Comrie, Bernard. The world atlas of language structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 242-245.
Rai, Novel Kishore; Bickel, Balthasar; Gaenszle, Martin; Lieven, Elena; Paudyal, Netra P; Rai, Ichchha Purna; Rai, Manoj; Stoll, Sabine (2005). Triplication and ideophones in Chintang. In: Yadava, Yogendra P. Current issues in Nepalese linguistics. Kirtipur: Linguistic Society of Nepal, 205-209.
Gaenszle, Martin; Bickel, Balthasar; Banjade, Goma; Lieven, Elena; Paudyal, Netra P; Rai, Ichchha Purna; Rai, Manoj; Rai, Novel Kishore; Stoll, Sabine (2005). Worshipping the king god: a preliminary analysis of Chintang ritual language in the invocation of Rajdeu. In: Yadava, Yogendra P; Bhattarai, Govinda; Lohani, Ram Raj; Prasain, Balaram; Parajuli, Krishna. Contemporary issues in Nepalese linguistics. Kathmandu: Linguistic Society of Nepal, 33-47.
Loporcaro, Michele; Paciaroni, Tania; Schmid, Stephan (2005). Consonanti geminate in un dialetto lombardo alpino. In: Cosi, Piero. Misura dei parametri: aspetti tecnologici ed implicazioni nei modelli linguistici. Brescia: EDK Editore, 597-618.
Stoll, Sabine (2003). Kognitive Entwicklung und Aspekterwerb. In: Haberzettl, Stefanie; Wegener, Heide. Spracherwerb und Konzeptualisierung. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 127-138.
Bickel, Balthasar (2003). Belhare. In: Thurgood, Graham; LaPolla, Randy J. The Sino-Tibetan languages. London: Routledge, 546-570.
Bickel, Balthasar (2003). Prosodic tautomorphemicity in Sino-Tibetan. In: Bradley, David; LaPolla, Randy J; Michailovsky, Boyd; Thurgood, Graham. Variation in Sino-Tibetan and South East Asian languages. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 89-99.
Bickel, Balthasar (2002). Autotypologizing databases and their use in fieldwork. In: Austin, Peter K; Dry, Helen; Wittenburg, Peter. Proceedings of the International LREC Workshop on Resources and Tools in Field Linguistics, Las Palmas, 26 - 27 May 2002. Nijmegen: Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, online.
Widmer, Paul (2001). Air. tál Zimmermannsaxt. In: Eichner, Heiner; Mumm, Peter-Arnold. Fremd und Eigen : Untersuchungen zu Grammatik und Wortschatz des Uralischen und des Indogermanischen : in memoriam Hartmut Katz. Wien: Edition Praesens, 293-302.
Jenny, Mathias (2001). The aspect system of Thai. In: Ebert, Karen H; Zúñiga, Fernando. Aktionsart and Aspectotemporality in non-European languages. Zurich: Seminar für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Zürich, 97-140.
Bickel, Balthasar (1999). Cultural formalism and spatial language in Belhara. In: Bickel, Balthasar; Gaenszle, Martin. Himalayan space: cultural horizons and practices. Zürich: Museum of Ethnography, 75-104.
Schmid, Stephan; Vigolo, Maria Teresa (1998). I tedeschismi nei dialetti nònesi e solandri. In: Mioni, Alberto; Vigolo, Maria Teresa; Croatto, Enzo. Dialetti, cultura e società : quarta raccolta di saggi dialettologici. Padova: CNR, 135-163.
Schmid, Stephan (1997). A typological view of syllable structure in some Italian dialects. In: Bertinetto, Pier Marco; Gaeta, Livio; Jetchov, Georgi; Michaels, David. Certamen phonologicum III : papers from the third Cortona Phonology Meeting, April 1996. Torino: Rosenberg e Sellier, 247-265.
Bickel, Balthasar (1997). The possessive of experience in Belhare. In: Bradley, David. Tibeto-Burman languages of the Himalayas. Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University, 135 - 155.
Schmid, Stephan (1996). La struttura della sillaba nei dialetti veneti. In: Pellegrini, Giovan Battista. Terza raccolta di saggi dialettologici in area italo-romanza. Padova: Centro di Studio per la dialettologia italiana, 125-166.
Bickel, Balthasar (1993). Belhare subordination and the theory of topic. In: Ebert, Karen H. Studies in Clause Linkage. Papers from the First Köln-Zürich Workshop. Zürich: Seminar für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft der Universität, 23 - 55.
Bickel, Balthasar (1992). The marking of future time reference in Züritüütsch. In: Dahl, Ö; de Groot, C; Tommola, H. Future time reference in European languages (= Eurotyp Working Paper Series VI – Tense and Aspect 2). Stockholm: Department of Linguistics, University of Stockholm, 73-84.