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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution

SIG Psycholinguistics

The Special Interest Group (SIG) Psycholinguistics brings together members of the department (and the wider UZH community) who are interested in psycholinguistics and language and cognition, broadly construed (including behavioral, psychophysiological and neuroimaging experiments, corpus-based work on adults, children, and studies on animals). 

The SIG Psycholinguistics has three aims:

  1. Create an informal platform to present and get feedback on ideas and plans for new studies. This could involve, e.g., presenting the design, conditions, stimuli and planned analyses for upcoming experiments or the comparisons and analyses for new corpus studies — while the other attendees can provide expert feedback and ask questions. This could help to identify potentially overlooked confounds or to sharpen the research questions.
  2. Host talks by guest speakers that are of general interest to psycholinguists
  3. Provide a space for dry-runs of presentations. 

If you have an upcoming talk and would like to have feedback on your presentation, please get in touch with Caroline Andrews to schedule an on-demand meeting.