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Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution

SIG Description and Analysis of Linguistic Data

This special interest group provides a forum for members of the department to discuss problems related to the description and analysis of linguistic data. This encompasses problems arising during general descriptive work, for instance in (sketch) grammar writing or data description as part of analytical studies of different types, but also includes descriptive/analytical issues relevant for coding in typological databases or for the annotation of mono- or multi-lingual corpora as well as for questions of cross-linguistic comparison. The linguistic data to be discussed can be of any kind, including data collected as part of general descriptive-documentary fieldwork, experimental data or corpus data from published corpora. 

Many department members are involved in linguistic data collection, description and analysis as well as larger-scale projects that require pre-analysed structured data, and this SIG is intended as an opportunity to share and foster experience and expertise within the group. Some of the concerns of this SIG overlap with those of the SIG Corpus and the SIG Field Work, and we will hold joint meetings whenever that seems useful.

Meetings are intended to take place on demand upon the initiative of members who would like to discuss any data they are currently working on. This includes specifically work in progress, especially at very initial stages of data analysis. If you would like to discuss any problems you are kindly asked to contact Stefan Schnell.